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Restoring your Commercial Property

8/28/2024 (Permalink)

Restoring Your Commercial Property

We're here to help!

Flooding and water damage events in New Brighton & East Roseville commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we are dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large-scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So, when an emergency arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of New Brighton & East Roseville

SERVPRO of New Brighton & East Roseville specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Advanced Moisture Detection Tools

8/28/2024 (Permalink)

In all cases of water damage, taking immediate action helps a great deal. Issues like mold and bad odor that happen within 24-48 hours after, can be prevented by extracting the water from affected areas or taking other preventive actions. At SERVPRO®, we have highly trained techs on standby 24 hours a day. Our trucks have all the necessary supplies including water extractors with different capacities to remove standing water within the first few hours.

After a water loss, there is the damage that you can see, and what you might not see. From casual observation, you can tell that there is standing water on a wooden floor. However, you might not tell how deep the moisture penetrates the wood. By using advanced moisture detection tools such as moisture sensors, our SERVPRO technicians probe the affected material to establish the extent to which the moisture spreads. Moisture meters also help us establish the effectiveness of drying efforts.

Call SERVPRO of New Brighton & East Roseville any time.

How to Deodorize After a Fire

8/28/2024 (Permalink)

A fire can cause heavy damage to a structure and to the content within the structure. Smoke odor is also a major cause for concern after a fire. Removing all affected materials is the first step toward deodorization.

Deodorization can be a challenging task and our technician’s job is to accelerate the process of odor elimination. There are a variety of procedures, products, and equipment that can be utilized to achieve this goal. Sometimes they must employ multiple techniques to produce results. Below are some of the equipment and products that SERVPRO® utilizes to remove smoke odors.


Air scrubbers/air filtration devices – air scrubbers can remove airborne particles from the air. The device draws dirty, indoor air through a series of filters and then exhausts clean air back into the structure.
Thermal fogger – vaporize solvent-based or petroleum-based deodorizers, generating a “smoke” or fog consisting of very small particles. They are pairing agents, meaning they chemically react with odor-causing residues and eliminate odors rather than just masking them.
Ozone generator – this machine generates ozone, an unstable gas of oxygen molecules which reacts with odor-causing molecules to oxidize residues and remove odor.

Water-based odor counteractants – can be added to cleaning solutions to provide odor control of smoke. These products work at a variety of temperatures and pH extremes to neutralize most malodors and replace them with a pleasant scent.
Solvent-based thermal fog deodorizers – blend of aromatic phenolics, odor counteractants, and fragrances in a solvent base. These products are applied with a thermal fogger and penetrate materials to counteract smoke odors.
Sealers – applied to the affected surface to encapsulate remaining odor residues when odor remains after all other deodorization procedures have been performed.
The deodorization process typically requires several steps and may require some trial and error to ensure the correct methods are being used to remove the odor. SERVPRO has the knowledge, experience, and resources necessary to make a fire smell "Like it never even happened."

Three Causes Of Ceiling Tile Discoloration

8/28/2024 (Permalink)

Over 60% of commercial facilities have drop ceilings with ceiling tiles. It is not uncommon for these tiles to become damaged over time and require replacement. However, many facility managers may be disheartened to find a single tile or several tiles with stains and assume tile mold. While your mind may immediately jump to mold growth, any remediation service in Mason City will likely explain that mold is possible, but there are at least three other causes, especially if the staining is recent.

Plumbing problem
Roof leak
HVAC system issue
Plumbing Problem
If your facility is multi-story, then the tile discoloration is likely the result of plumbing issues and not tile mold. Ceiling tiles are incredibly porous and will soak in the water, causing a stain to appear on the other side. Freshwater stains typically look damp; they will likely turn the tile a shade of gray, especially if the tile is a lighter color naturally.

Roof Leak
If your facility is a single-story, then you may have a more significant issue than a minor plumbing leak. A roof leak can also result in the discoloration of ceiling tiles because of water damage. You may want to inspect your roof around the area of the staining to ensure that there is no existing external damage.

HVAC System Issue
If your facility has roof-mounted HVAC units, it is possible that the staining is a result of leaking from the condensation line or system and not mold. If you have an A/C unit above or near where the staining appeared, then you may want to contact an HVAC repair specialist.
While tile mold is a concern for any business because of the inevitable business interruption, it is not always the reason for tile staining. If you are genuinely concerned about the possibility of mold and cannot find any other likely causes for the staining, then contact a mold remediation company for a property assessment.